
The Law Offices of Scott Sobol

Do Florida Pedestrians Always Have the Right-of-Way?

Florida’s sandy beaches, vibrant scenery, and sunny weather encourage residents and tourists alike to enjoy what the state has to offer by walking to their destinations. The importance of pedestrian safety in Florida cannot be overstated, as it ensures the well-being of those who choose to walk. However, pedestrians are left largely unguarded on Florida …

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The Law Offices of Scott Sobol

How to Prove Car Damage Is From Lightning Strike

While lightning striking your car may seem like a one-in-a-million chance, it is more common than you think, especially under Florida’s stormy skies. Florida is often referred to as the ‘lightning capital’ due to the high frequency of lightning strikes, particularly during the rainy season and hot summer months. In fact, millions of vehicles get …

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CCTV car camera for safety on the road accident
The Law Offices of Scott Sobol

3 Ways Technology Can Help in Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

In the event of a motorcycle accident, victims are often left reeling as they try to understand what their next steps should be. If you were harmed in a motorcycle accident, you have the option to pursue justice for your injuries and losses by filing a personal injury claim. Due to technological advancements, there are …

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The Law Offices of Scott Sobol

How Is Fault Determined in a Multi-Car Accident?

Car accidents are always distressing, but the complexity and danger increase significantly when several vehicles are involved. Multi-car accidents often result in life-altering injuries, leading to long hospital stays and extended absences from work, placing a heavy burden on the injured and their families. Fortunately, multi-car accident victims may have grounds to file a car …

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The Law Offices of Scott Sobol

What Is a Rideshare Company’s Liability in a Car Accident?

Amidst Florida’s bustling streets and highways, residents often turn to rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft for convenient travel options. However, the growing number of rideshare vehicles on the road has led to an increased risk of accidents. When you open a rideshare app like Uber or Lyft, you trust that drivers will uphold their …

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The Law Offices of Scott Sobol

Heat-Wave in Florida: Are Car Accidents More Likely?

The summer heat in Florida is no joke, with temperatures soaring to triple digits and humidity levels reaching all-time highs. While we may associate this kind of weather with beach days and pool parties, there may be another consequence of the heat that many don’t consider – an increase in car accidents. It’s no secret …

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The Law Offices of Scott Sobol

Can You File a Claim for Your Car Accident if You Didn’t Call the Police?

In the unfortunate event of a car accident, the first thing that may come to your mind is calling the police. However, in some situations, such as minor collisions or accidents on private property, you may not think involving law enforcement is necessary. But can you still file a claim for your car accident if …

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The Law Offices of Scott Sobol

Recovering Compensation After an Accident Caused by Truck Driver Fatigue

The trucking industry is incredibly demanding, and many truck drivers end up working long hours with little to no rest. Unfortunately, driver fatigue can endanger others on the road, leading to a loss of control and life-altering accidents. Due to their size and weight, truck accidents can cause victims to suffer significant injuries, leaving many …

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The Law Offices of Scott Sobol

Understanding the Dangers of Flat Tires

Driving with a flat tire is risky, not just for your car but for everyone on the road. Ignoring a flat can lead to poor control and braking, increasing the risk of accidents, especially in bad weather or emergencies. If you were injured in an accident with someone driving on a flat tire, you may …

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The Law Offices of Scott Sobol

4 Common Causes of E-Scooter Accidents

In recent years, Florida has seen a surge in the popularity of electric scooters as a convenient and eco-friendly transportation option. However, alongside their rising use, there has been an increase in e-scooter-related accidents. Unfortunately, these accidents can have significant physical, emotional, and financial consequences for victims. Understanding the causes of e-scooter accidents, such as …

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